2025.9.17-19 Shanghai New International Expo Centre
Sign Up for Free Book a StandDate:2024-08-01 Views:1059
Digital transformation is essential for every global sign professional. SIGN CHINA 2024 will take place from September 19 to 21 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. With full support from its sister event, LED CHINA, the show offers a platform that bridges traditional signage with digital innovation.
Over 2,000 brands will showcase the latest ideas in boards, LEDs, POP displays, and sign-making, as well as cutting-edge innovations like creative LED displays, LED invisible screens, LED glass films, and 3D naked-eye billboards for your sign business. >>Register to visit as a VIP now!
Your One-Stop Destination for
Digital Innovation and Traditional Signage
Digital Signage
Naked-Eye 3D Displays, LED Transparent Screens, Window Displays, etc.
All kinds of Kiosks, LED Poster, LCD screen, etc.
3D LED Fans, Projectors, Metaverse etc.
Traditional Signage
LED Advertising Lighting, LED Neon Strip, etc.
Sign board, Advertising Letter, Wayfinding Lightbox, Banner, Flags etc.
Digital Printing, Laser Engraving, Acrylic, KT board etc.
Business applications for our exhibits
……and more!
2024 Prospect
2,000+ Exhibition Brands
120+ Regions of Visitors
* Above are projected figures.
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